Wednesday, August 3, 2011

cardio routines

cardio, cardio, cardio...
steady running/walking/cardio vs. high intensity interval training

our bodies are like vehicles. we know that they require fuel to function. we also know that some prefer to drive 35 mph while others prefer to travel at 60 mph.
the car that goes 35 mph has better gas mileage. it definitely takes longer to get where you are going, but the fuel lasts a lot longer. the car that travels 60 mph is going to use more fuel compared to the 35 mph driver, but they will also get where they are going a lot sooner.

steady running/walking/cardio=35 mph driver
high intensity interval training=60 mph driver

best cardio option: BOTH! do not be afraid to mix up your routine. it is great to change your cardio session daily so that you do not get burnt out or abuse your body.

high intensity interval training

  •  improves aerobic fitness

  •  burns calories post exercise

  •  great for sprint sports

  •  won’t lead to muscle loss

  • negative

  • HIIT is hard

  •  it requires recovery and cannot be done everyday

  •  it’s easy to over train

  •  there is a limit to how much HIIT you can do in a workout

  • make time for longer cardio sessions when you have time.
    go hard & go home.

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